Technical Reference
Integrate Payment Methods
Integrate Apple Pay and Google Pay into your mini-app
Both Apple Pay and Google Pay run directly in the WebView environment of your mini-app, using their respective JavaScript APIs.
Environment Setup
First, ensure your mini-app has a secure HTTPS environment, as both Apple Pay and Google Pay require it.
Apple PayGoogle Pay
For Apple Pay, you must:
- Register for an Apple Developer account
- Configure your merchant ID
- Register your domain with Apple
- Set up merchant validation on your server
Test your integration thoroughly using test cards and sandbox environments.
Apple PayGoogle Pay
Development Environment:
- Use Apple Pay's sandbox environment
- Test with Apple's test cards
Test Cards:
- You can use any valid card number in the sandbox
- No actual charges will be processed
Testing Checklist:
- Verify merchant validation works
- Test on both iOS devices and Safari on macOS
- Check error handling
- Verify payment completion flows
Apple Pay integration demo
Limitations and Considerations
- Platform Restrictions: Apple Pay only works on iOS/macOS devices with Safari, while Google Pay is primarily for Android
- Device Support: Users must have devices that support these payment methods
- WebView Context: Some features might behave differently in the mini-app WebView compared to a standard browser
For Apple Pay merchant validation, your server needs to be accessible via HTTPS and properly configured with Apple's developer portal.