Technical Reference


This page is a reference to error codes returned by MiniKit.


Below are the error codes you could receive with the Verify command

CodeDescriptionHow to fix?
verification_rejectedUser rejected the World ID request in World App.If this was a mistake, trigger the verify command again.
max_verifications_reachedThis person has already verified for this particular action the maximum number of times allowed.Nothing to do. User cannot verify for this action again.
credential_unavailableThis user does not have the requested credential.

The user must verify at the Orb or verify their unique device in World App to receive the credential required.

malformed_requestThe request payload couldn't be decrypted or did not conform to the standard.Ensure MiniKit is configured properly and all parameters are valid.
invalid_networkThe application is configured for a different environment than the verifying user's client.

Ensure you use the Worldcoin Simulator for Staging applications and World App for Production applications.

inclusion_proof_failedThe sequencer returned an unexpected error when retrieving the inclusion proof.

Ask the user to try again. This may be due to a temporary network issue, or a bug with World App or the Signup Sequencer.


The user might have the requested credential, but it is not available on-chain yet. It might be available for API verification.

Ask the user to verify again in approximately one hour.
unexpected_responseThere was a problem with the response obtained from the WLD app.Try again, though in most cases these will require contacting us to report the bug.
generic_errorAn unhandled exception occurred.Try again, though in most cases these will require contacting us to report the bug.


Below are the error codes you could receive with the Pay command

CodeDescriptionHow to fix?
input_errorThere was a problem with this request. Please try again or contact the app owner.Ensure the request is properly formed and try again.
payment_rejectedYou’ve cancelled the payment in World App.If this was a mistake, initiate the payment again.
invalid_receiverThe receiver address is invalid. Please contact the app owner.You don't have this address whitelisted inside the Developer Portal.
insufficient_balanceYou do not have enough balance to complete this transaction.Add more funds to your wallet
transaction_failedThe transaction failed. Please try again.Try the transaction again. Something failed on-chain.
generic_errorSomething unexpected went wrong. Please try again.Try again, though in most cases these will require contacting us to report the bug.

Wallet Auth

Below are the error codes you could receive with the walletAuth command

CodeDescriptionHow to fix?
malformed_requestProvided parameters in the request are invalid.

Ensure the request is properly formed and try again. If the problem persists, contact the app owner.

user_rejectedUser rejected the request.If this was a mistake, initiate the request again.
generic_errorSomething unexpected went wrong.Try the request again. If the problem persists, contact the app owner.


Below are the error codes you could receive with the Transaction command

CodeDescriptionHow to fix?
invalid_operationTransaction included an operation that was invalidYour app tried using a disallowed operation. These include approve, setAllowance, setApprovalForAll, or setApprovalForAll.
invalid_contractApp must whitelist the contract you're calling in the Developer PortalGo to the Developer Portal and whitelist the contract you're calling
user_rejectedUser declined the transaction modalUser closed the transaction modal.
input_errorPayload received does not conform to specified typeEnsure the request is properly formed and try again. Note all args must be string. Payload has max size of 8kb so your ABI should just be for your function
simulation_failedSimulation provider transaction simulation failed (this can include insufficient balance)Txn simulation failed see the debugUrl returned to understand why
transaction_failedTransaction failed please try again laterTry again later. Could be blob fees too high or network congestion
generic_errorRequest failed for unknown reasonTry the request again. If the problem persists, contact the app owner.
daily_tx_limit_reachedDaily transaction limit reachedMax 100 transactions per day. Wait until the next day.
disallowed_operationTransaction included an operation that was disallowedMake sure you are not calling functions on the user's safe, doing approvals, calling safe admin functions, etc.
permitted_amount_exceeds_slippagePermitted amount exceeds slippageYou must spend at least 90% of the permitted amount
permitted_amount_not_foundPermitted amount not foundPermitted amount not found in permit2 payload

Other helpful things

  1. If you get a GS026 error, it means the signature is not valid. Most likely there's something switched in your args vs your permit. Double check each argument usually this is the nonce and timestamp getting mixed up.