
Send Transaction

Send transaction is our command that lets you write to arbitrary smart contracts. One important policy restriction we enforce is that we do not allow approvals. In order to use funds you must use the Signature Transfer function of permit2.

Crafting the payload

Send transaction will automatically create the permit2 signatures for you.

Make sure you specify the contracts and tokens you are interacting with in the Developer Portal (configuration/advanced) otherwise we will block the transaction.

export type SendTransactionInput = {
	transaction: Transaction[]
	permit2?: Permit2[] // Optional

export type Permit2 = {
	permitted: {
		token: string
		amount: string | unknown
	spender: string
	nonce: string | unknown
	deadline: string | unknown

export type Transaction = {
	address: string // Contract address
	abi: Abi | readonly unknown[] // Only include the abi for the function you're calling
	functionName: ContractFunctionName<Abi | readonly unknown[], 'payable' | 'nonpayable'>
	value?: string // Hex string representation of the value to send with the function call
	args: ContractFunctionArgs<
		// Wrap all your arguments in strings to avoid overflow errors
		Abi | readonly unknown[],
		'payable' | 'nonpayable',
		ContractFunctionName<Abi | readonly unknown[], 'payable' | 'nonpayable'>

Using the command

In this example we will use two nested transactions. If your function requires a permit2 signature use PERMIT2_SIGNATURE_PLACEHOLDER_{n} with the index of the permit2 object in the transaction array.

Additionally if you introduce a new ERC20 token we will automatically approve the permit2 contract to spend the tokens.

It is strongly recommended to execute using only one transaction.

Note this function only accepts stringified values.
Async handlersEvent listenersABI

Sending the transaction & receiving the response


// Make sure this is only the function you're calling
// Otherwise you will get an error
import DEXABI from '../../abi/DEX.json'
import { MiniKit } from '@worldcoin/minikit-js'

// ...
const sendTransaction = async () => {
  if (!MiniKit.isInstalled()) {

  const deadline = Math.floor(( + 30 * 60 * 1000) / 1000).toString()

  // Transfers can also be at most 1 hour in the future.
  const permitTransfer = {
    permitted: {
      token: testTokens.worldchain.USDCE,
      amount: '10000',

  const permitTransferArgsForm = [
    [permitTransfer.permitted.token, permitTransfer.permitted.amount],

  const transferDetails = {
    to: '0x126f7998Eb44Dd2d097A8AB2eBcb28dEA1646AC8',
    requestedAmount: '10000',

  const transferDetailsArgsForm = [, transferDetails.requestedAmount]

  const {commandPayload, finalPayload} = await MiniKit.commandsAsync.sendTransaction({
    transaction: [
        address: '0x34afd47fbdcc37344d1eb6a2ed53b253d4392a2f',
        abi: DEXABI,
        functionName: 'signatureTransfer',
        args: [permitTransferArgsForm, transferDetailsArgsForm, 'PERMIT2_SIGNATURE_PLACEHOLDER_0'],
    permit2: [
        spender: '0x34afd47fbdcc37344d1eb6a2ed53b253d4392a2f',

Learn more about your errors see errors

Check transaction status

The transaction will be first simulated and checked for errors. If there are no errors the user will be prompted to sign the transaction. To make it easier we let you install hooks built on top of Viem.

This requires installing the @worldcoin/minikit-react package.


pnpm i @worldcoin/minikit-react

In this flow we will use the hook useWaitForTransactionReceipt to check the status of the transaction.


import { useWaitForTransactionReceipt } from '@worldcoin/minikit-react'

const [transactionId, setTransactionId] = useState<string>('')

const client = createPublicClient({
  chain: worldchain,
  transport: http(''),

const { isLoading: isConfirming, isSuccess: isConfirmed } = useWaitForTransactionReceipt({
  client: client,
  appConfig: {
    app_id: '<app_id>',
  transactionId: transactionId,

const sendTransaction = async () => {
  if (!MiniKit.isInstalled()) {
  // ...
  const {commandPayload, finalPayload} = await MiniKit.commandsAsync.sendTransaction({
    // ...

  if (payload.status === 'error') {
    console.error('Error sending transaction', payload)
  } else {

Alternative: Verifying the transaction

If you don't want to use our hook you can choose to query for the hash yourself using this endpoint. Make sure to specify type=transaction in the query string.

Transactions are sent via our relayer currently and so we provide you an internal id rather than a hash in the original response above.


import { NextRequest, NextResponse } from 'next/server'
import { MiniAppSendTransactionSuccessPayload } from '@worldcoin/minikit-js'

interface IRequestPayload {
	payload: MiniAppSendTransactionSuccessPayload

export async function POST(req: NextRequest) {
	const { payload } = (await req.json()) as IRequestPayload

	const response = await fetch(
			method: 'GET',
	const transaction = await response.json()

	return NextResponse.json(transaction)

Example response from /minikit/transaction

    "transactionId": "0xa5b02107433da9e2a450c433560be1db01963a9146c14eed076cbf2c61837d60",
    "transactionHash": "0xa8388148b630b49a3d5a739eaad9e98b5766235cdb21a5ec8d3f89053d982a71",
    "transactionStatus": "failed",
    "miniappId": "app_staging_5748c49d2e6c68849479e0b321bc5257",
    "updatedAt": "2024-09-09T15:18:25.320Z",
    "network": "worldchain",
    "fromWalletAddress": "0x2321401e6a175a7236498ab66f25cd1db4b17558",
    "toContractAddress": "0x2321401e6a175a7236498ab66f25cd1db4b17558"

Calling a payable function to send ETH

This functionality is available from minikit-js 1.6.0 onwards.
Send transaction supports sending to payable functions. Make sure you have ETH in your wallet. For ease of use, we have a simple contract that lets you send ETH by forwarding the value. Forward.sol

// Sending eth via Forward.sol
const sendTransaction = async () => {
	const payload = await MiniKit.commandsAsync.sendTransaction({
		transaction: [
				address: '0x087d5449a126e4e439495fcBc62A853eB3257936', // Forward.sol
				abi: ForwardABI,
				functionName: 'pay',
				args: ['0x377da9cab87c04a1d6f19d8b4be9aef8df26fcdd'], // To Whom
				value: '0x9184E72A000', // Send 0.00001 ETH hex encoded

Success Result on World App

If implemented correctly, the user will see the following drawer on World App.