
Send Haptic Feedback

Send Haptic Feedback is our command that lets you create more immersive experiences, by providing tactile feedback to users. This command is available from minikit 1.7.1 and World App 2.8.7602 onwards. Haptic feedback can improve the user experience by:

  • Enhancing Responsiveness: Immediate tactile feedback makes interactions feel faster and more satisfying.
  • Improving Accessibility: Haptics can help users with visual impairments by providing an additional layer of feedback.
  • Increasing Engagement: Users are more likely to enjoy and continue using apps that feel interactive and responsive.

Available payloads

impactlightCollision between small UI elements.
impactmediumCollision between medium UI elements.
impactheavyCollision between big UI elements.
impactsoftCollision between flexible UI elements.
impactrigidCollision between inflexible UI elements.
notificationsuccessIndicates that an action was successful.
notificationwarningIndicates that something is not right and user should take notice.
notificationerrorIndicates that an action has failed.
selectionChanged---Informs the user that a selection has changed, for example a checkbox was clicked

Creating the payload


export type SendHapticFeedbackInput = {
	hapticsType: 'impact'
	style: 'light'

Using the command

There's no response from this command.


import { MiniKit } from '@worldcoin/minikit-js'

const sendHapticFeedbackCommand = () =>
		hapticsType: 'impact',
		style: 'light',

const ImportantPage = () => {
	const handleClick = () => {
		// ...
	return <button onClick={handleClick}>Click me</button>

export default ImportantPage