
Get Permissions

This command will let you check the status of permissions a user has granted to your mini app.

This command will be available from v1.7.0 of minikit and v2.8.76 of World App.

Using the command

Currently this command only supports notifications.

Async handlersEvent listeners

Sending the command and handling the response

import { MiniKit, GetPermissionsPayload, Permission } from '@worldcoin/minikit-js'

// Example function of how to use the command
const getPermissions = useCallback(
    async () => {
        const payload = await MiniKit.commandsAsync.getPermissions();
        // Handle the response

Response type

Success response payload

type MiniAppGetPermissionsSuccessPayload = {
    status: 'success';
    permissions: Permission[];
    version: number;    // same version that was received from MiniKit
  "permissions": {
    "notifications": false
  "status": "success",
  "timestamp": "2025-03-11T18:21:49.741-07:00",
  "version": 1

Error response payload

type MiniAppGetPermissionsErrorPayload = {
    status: 'error';
    error_code: GetPermissionsErrorCodes;
    version: number;

The possible error codes are:

  • generic_error - Request failed for unknown reason